We are pleased to announce the completion of the project to modify the 400 kV AC high voltage line in the Gatica-Azpeitia section, completed at the beginning of August 2024, and carried out for Red Eléctrica de España SAU.
Project Details:
– Location: Gatica and Mungia, Vizcaya.
– Client: Red Eléctrica de España SAU
This project consisted of the modification of a simple duplex circuit, including civil works for the creation of accesses and the execution of foundations for three new supports, as well as the laying of conductors and fiber optics between the GAT gantry and the new T-2. Once the assembly of the new infrastructure was completed, the existing supports and cables were dismantled and the affected environment was restored.

To ensure the safety of the equipment, part of the work was carried out with unloading of the line. The lines that cross or interfere with the work could not be unloaded, so REEX (Special Operating Regime) was requested, keeping the lines live, but without reclosing.
In addition, in an environmental conservation effort, the area was protected with special fencing to prevent protected species of reptiles and amphibians from entering the heavy machinery areas.

The execution of the project was possible thanks to the coordinated work of two specialized GAROC teams, who were in charge of the civil works and the assembly, raising of supports and stringing of conductors, achieving an efficient and timely execution.
This project reflects our ongoing commitment to quality, safety and sustainability, and thanks to all the teams and collaborators for their dedication and effort!